Stop Smoking

Smoking is the largest cause of preventable ill health in Wales. Getting advice on quitting is the first step to stopping.

Smoking is the largest cause of preventable ill health in Wales. Getting advice on quitting is the first step to stopping.

After just 20 minutes of stopping, your body begins to recover, with your pulse returning to a normal rate. After 48 hours all the carbon monoxide in your system will be flushed out and after 72 hours, your lungs will begin to relax so you can breathe easier and have more energy.

After 1 year of stopping, your risk of a heart attack will have decreased by 50% compared to a smoker’s.

Quick tips to help you quit

  • List your reasons for quitting and tell people about it.
  • Use stop smoking aids.
  • List your triggers and find ways to avoid them.
  • Keep busy, exercising can help take away the urge.

Members Directory

Find local support from organisations and healthcare experts

Stop smoking services near you

Support and Services

0808 278 9711

  • Find stop smoking services in Merthyr Tydfil, reaching out for support will give you a better chance of stopping.

Help Me Quit Wales

Support and Services

0808 278 9711

  • Free resources, success stories and a phoneline to call for support when quitting.

NHS Wales: Find a Pharmacy

Support and Services


  • Use the search tool to find your nearest pharmacist for quick and free advice.

Charities & organisations

Local charities and organisations who you can reach out to.


Charities and Organisations

0800 00 22 00

  • A source of practical help, advice and support from trained counsellors for people wanting to stop smoking.

ASH Wales

Charities and Organisations

029 2049 0621

  • Action on Smoking and Health Wales are a charity who work to eliminate the harm caused by tobacco.

British Lung Foundation

Charities and Organisations

03000 030 555

  • The BLF work to reduce the number of people smoking in Britain, as well as providing free resources and stories from others.